Tuesday, November 22, 2005

redefining relationships in the fourth decade

Being divorced is such a emotional rollercoaster ride. Being (commonlaw) married, you've made the decision to put all intimacy eggs in one basket. When i was with DAvid, I gave him all the parts of me and never questioned it because that was the deal. We'll be together forever and I will share myself wholy and only with him. (that sounds so naive now now that I'm 30)

It is a whole new skill set for me to learn what when and how I will share my inner life. My relationship with my friends (you know who you are) has gotten alot more honest and even intimate. I now can't assume that that one person will be there to meet all my needs (obivously that doesn't work anyway) I get the "fun" of figuring out who all the people in my life will be to me (soul sisters, sexual partners, confessors, exercise buddies, cuddle buddies, mentors, acquatainces, co-conspirators) For me being with married was like drawing a circle around David and I and everybody else on the planet wasn't allowed in.

Thanks to few friends who just wouldn't stop asking me if I wanted to come out and play, now I'm back where I belong.


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