Monday, December 05, 2005

better days

I am feeling alot more energitic today. I've been having ahard time but given the events of the last week, it is hard to imagine it being any other way.

I'm actually looking forward to the rest of my day and things I have planned to do. Manuelle and I will watch medium. It has become our special mom/daughter time every week. I find to so funny that we both like the same tv show. I also love that Manuelle gets so exicted about it.

I'm really working hard on my relationship with her. I know that things are somethings pretty rocky between us but I going to try and focaus on the tings tht we both love to do. I'm also starting to cave on things that aren't life threateningly importatn but that meant alot to her. For example I bought meat today for her since she loves meat and I never make it because I'm a vegetarian. I'm sure it will make her happy and she will feel so special.

I always kept her at arms lenght because I worried that I would hurt like mom hurt me. But she really needs me right now and as her mother I hope it is never to late.


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